Monday, July 26, 2010

Compilation of various source - CLEAN

name clean
page 55,132
title''CLEAN --- Filter text file''

; CLEAN --- a utility to filter text files.
; This program removes all control codes except
; For line feeds, carriage returns, and form
; Feeds, strips off the high bit of all characters,
; And expands tabs. Can be used to make a Wordstar
; File acceptable for other screen or line editors,
; And vice versa.
; Version 1.1 10 Dec 83 Blocking / deblocking
; Version 1.0 25 Nov 83
; Copyright (c) 1983 by Ray Duncan

cr equ 0dh; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah; ASCII line feed
ff equ 0ch; ASCII form feed
eof equ 01ah; End of file marker
tab equ 09h; ASCII tab character

command equ 80h; buffer for command tail

blksize equ 1024; blocking / deblocking size

cseg segment para public''CODE''

assume cs: cseg, ds: data, es: data, ss: stack

clean proc far; entry point from PC-DOS

push ds; save DS: 0000 for final
xor ax, ax; return to PC-DOS
push ax
mov ax, data; make our data segment
mov es, ax; addressable via ES register
call infile; get path and file spec.
; For input file
mov ax, es; set DS = ES for remainder
mov ds, ax; of program
jnc clean1; jump, got acceptable name
mov dx, offset msg4; missing or illegal filespec,
jmp clean9; print error message and exit.

clean1: call outfile; set up output file name
call open_input; now try to open input file
jnc clean2; jump, opened input ok
mov dx, offset msg1; open of input file failed,
jmp clean9; print error msg and exit.

call open_output; try to open output file.
jnc clean25; jump, opened ok
mov dx, offset msg2; open of output file failed,
jmp clean9; print error message and exit.

clean25:; set up buffers
call init_buffs
call sign_on; print ident and file names

; Files successfully opened,
clean3:; now filter the file.
call get_char; read 1 character from input.
and al, 07fh; strip off the high bit
cmp al, 20h; is it a control code?
jae clean4; no, write it to new file
; Yes it is control code,
cmp al, eof; is it end of file marker?
je clean6; yes, jump to close files.
cmp al, tab; is it a tab command?
jz clean5; yes, jump to special processing.
cmp al, cr; if control code other than
je clean35; tab or end-of-file mark, throw
cmp al, ff; it away unless it is a
je clean35; form feed, carriage return,
cmp al, lf; or line feed.
jne clean3
clean35:; If it is one of those three,
mov column, 0; incidentally initialize
jmp clean45; column count for tab processor.

clean4:; count alphanumeric chars. sent.
inc column

clean45:; write this character to
call put_char; output file,
jnc clean3; if CY not set, write was
; Ok so go get next char.
call close_input; if CY set, disk is full
call close_output; so close files and exit
mov dx, offset msg5; with error message.
jmp clean9

clean5:; process tab character
mov ax, column; let DX: AX = column count
mov cx, 8; divide it by eight ...
idiv cx
sub cx, dx; remainder is in DX.
add column, cx; update column pointer.
clean55:; 8 minus the remainder
push cx; gives us the number of
mov al, 20h; spaces to send out to
call put_char; move to the next tab position
pop cx; restore space count
jc clean47; jump if disk is full
loop clean55
jmp short clean3; get next character

clean6:; end of file detected,
call put_char; write end-of-file marker,
jc clean47; jump if disk was full
call flush_buffs; write remaining data to disk
jc clean47; if CY set, disk was full
; Otherwise file was written ok
call close_input; close input and output
call close_output; files.
mov dx, offset msg3; addr of success message,

clean9:; print message and return
mov ah, 9; control to PC-DOS
int 21h

clean endp

infile proc near; process name of input file
; DS: SI <- addr command line
mov si, offset command
; ES: DI <- addr filespec buffer
mov di, offset input_name
lodsb; any command line present?
or al, al; return error status if not.
jz infile4
infile1:; scan over leading blanks
lodsb; to file name
cmp al, cr; if we hit carriage return
jz infile4; filename is missing.
cmp al, 20h; is this a blank?
jz infile1; if so keep scanning.

infile2:; found first char of name,
stosb; move last char. to output
; File name buffer.
lodsb; check next character, found
cmp al, cr; carriage return yet?
je infile3; yes, exit with success code
cmp al, 20h; is this a blank?
jne infile2; if not keep moving chars.

infile3:; exit with carry = 0
clc; for success flag

infile4:; exit with carry = 1
stc; for error flag
infile endp

outfile proc near; set up path and file
cld; name for output file.
mov cx, 64; length to move
mov si, offset input_name; source addr
mov di, offset output_name; dest addr
rep movsb; transfer the string
mov di, offset output_name
outfile1:; scan string looking for
mov al, [di]; "." marking start of extension
or al, al; or zero byte marking name end.
jz outfile2; if either is found, jump.
cmp al ,''.''
je outfile2; bump string pointer, loop
inc di; if neither''.'' or zero found.
jmp outfile1
outfile2:; found zero or''.'', force the
; Extension of the output file
; To''. CLN''
mov si, offset outfile_ext
mov cx, 5
rep movsb
ret; back to caller
outfile endp

open_input proc near; open input file
; DS: DX = addr filename
mov dx, offset input_name
mov al, 0; AL = 0 for read only
mov ah, 3dh; function 3dh = open
int 21h; handle returned in AX,
mov input_handle, ax; save it for later.
ret; CY is set if error
open_input endp

open_output proc near; open output file
; DS: DX = addr filename
mov dx, offset output_name
mov al, 1; AL = 1 for write only
mov ah, 3ch; function 3ch = MAKE or
int 21h; truncate existing file
; Handle returned in AX
mov output_handle, ax; save it for later.
ret; return CY = true if error
open_output endp

close_input proc near; close input file
mov bx, input_handle; BX = handle
mov ah, 3eh
int 21h
close_input endp

close_output proc near; close output file
mov bx, output_handle; BX = handle
mov ah, 3eh
int 21h
close_output endp

get_char proc near; get one character from input buffer
mov bx, input_ptr
cmp bx, blksize
jne get_char1
call read_block
mov bx, 0
mov al, [input_buffer + bx]
inc bx
mov input_ptr, bx
get_char endp

put_char proc near; put one character into output buffer
mov bx, output_ptr
mov [output_buffer + bx], al
inc bx
mov output_ptr, bx
cmp bx, blksize; buffer full yet?
jne put_char1; no, jump
call write_block; yes, write the block
ret; return CY as status code
clc; return CY clear for OK status
put_char endp

read_block proc near
mov bx, input_handle; read first block of input
mov cx, blksize
mov dx, offset input_buffer
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h
jnc read_block1; jump if no error status
mov ax, 0; simulate a zero length read if error
cmp ax, blksize; was full buffer read in?
je read_block2; yes, jump
mov bx, ax; no, store End-of-File mark
mov byte ptr [input_buffer + bx], eof
xor ax, ax; initialize input buffer pointer
mov input_ptr, ax
read_block endp

write_block proc near; write blocked output (blksize bytes)
mov dx, offset output_buffer
mov cx, blksize
mov bx, output_handle
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
xor bx, bx; initialize pointer to blocking buffer
mov output_ptr, bx
cmp ax, blksize; was correct length written?
jne write_block1; no, disk must be full
clc; yes, return CY = 0 indicating all OK
write_block1:; disk is full, return CY = 1
stc; as error code
write_block endp

init_buffs proc near
call read_block; read 1st block of input
xor ax, ax; initialize pointer to output
mov output_ptr, ax; output blocking buffer
init_buffs endp

flush_buffs proc near; write any data in output buffer to disk
mov cx, output_ptr
or cx, cx
jz flush_buffs1; jump, buffer is empty
mov bx, output_handle
mov dx, offset output_buffer
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
cmp ax, output_ptr; was write successful?
jnz flush_buffs2; no, jump
clc; yes, return CY = 0 for
ret; success flag
flush_buffs2:; disk was full so write failed,
stc; return CY = 1 as error flag
flush_buffs endp

sign_on proc near; print sign-on message
mov dx, offset msg6; title ...
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov dx, offset msg7; input file
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov dx, offset input_name
call pasciiz
mov dx, offset msg8; output file
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov dx, offset output_name
call pasciiz
mov dx, offset msg9
mov ah, 9
int 21h
sign_on endp

pasciiz proc near; call DX = offset of ASCIIZ string
mov bx, dx; which will be printed on standard output
mov dl, [bx]
or dl, dl
jz pasciiz9
cmp dl,''A''
jb pasciiz2
cmp dl,''Z''
ja pasciiz2
or dl, 20h
mov ah, 2
int 21h
inc bx
jmp pasciiz1
pasciiz endp

cseg ends

data segment para public''DATA''

input_name db 64 dup (0); buffer for input filespec
output_name db 64 dup (0); buffer for output filespec

input_handle dw 0; token returned by PCDOS
output_handle dw 0; token returned by PCDOS

input_ptr dw 0; pointer to input blocking buffer
output_ptr dw 0; pointer to output blocking buffer

outfile_ext db''. CLN'', 0; extension for filtered file

column dw 0; column count for tab processing

msg1 db cr, lf
db''Cannot find input file.''
db cr, lf ,''$''

msg2 db cr, lf
db''Failed to open output file.''
db cr, lf ,''$''

msg3 db cr, lf
db''File processing completed''
db cr, lf ,''$''

msg4 db cr, lf
db''Missing file name.''
db cr, lf ,''$''

msg5 db

cr, lf db''Disk is full.''db cr, lf ,''$'' msg6 db cr, lf db''Clean Word Processing File''db cr, lf db''Copyright (c) 1983 Laboratory Microsystems Inc.''db cr, lf ,''$'' msg7 db cr, lf,''Input file $''msg8 db cr, lf,''Output file $''msg9 db cr, lf ,''$' 'input_buffer db blksize dup (?); buffer for deblocking of data; from input file output_buffer db blksize dup (?); buffer for blocking of data; sent to output file data ends stack segment para stack''STACK''db 64 dup (?) stack ends end clean

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Liang Wang: Whitman's China troubles

eBay CEO Meg Whitman, left the Chinese less than two weeks, the market is or has been rumored that she will come to China again, the news. Sources said that Whitman's trip to find vacancies in addition to eBay eBay for up to 1-year-old CEO candidate, will be located in the eBay eBay Shanghai, personally took three months, to work with other competent authorities with a CUP eBay's PayPal payment issue the final landing.

eBay eBay's new CEO will come from multinational corporations, rather than by the current COO of Zheng Xigui successor. The timetable for PayPal landing in China, is not later than July. At press time of this writing so far, eBay eBay spokesman were not recognized on the news, but said Whitman out of the China market, may often show up in the second half, including Hong Kong, Greater China.

Replacement of the company head office, so that the whereabouts of place, word or two, has always been a hot topic in the media track, which the parties often do not have arms, or vague, or secretive, or near, do not spare more than the article. So, Whitman This time China, whether do not have a mind?

"Soil" problem

In 2003, after the initial investment 30 million U.S. dollars, eBay to 150 million U.S. dollars to complete the acquisition on eBay. Despite eBay's global plate, son of China's strategy of fabric to complete the slowest, but overall, after eBay acquired through several scales of the siege operations, eBay has the local C2C (online auction) Company Arts, cool must so out of the market, another local Taobao C2C forces were once forced to dissociate itself from outside the mainstream of the portal, managed to support, the situation worrisome. It is eBay eBay heyday.

But then the story was not so nice.

In 2004, as Yahoo and Sina, a joint venture company C2C network involved in a shooting, eBay eBay and the conspiracy of silence the first three portals cracks. This year, one of the three portals Sohu as well as the joint venture form of Sharu MSN China portal market, has extended an olive branch to Taobao, eBay eBay is after the loss of arm grabbed the Netease, TOM, and Tencent, China online auction market, the resulting trend of balanced development of the three camps.

C2C market led to numerous more reasons oligopoly structure, in addition to Taobao and a strategy for making a free web streaming of the eBay fees eBay user outside, eBay eBay itself was too rigid where multinational decision-making model is also an incentive. It is understood that after the head of eBay eBay COO Zhengxi Gui does not have sufficient autonomy, things have to be overseas and far away in Asia-Pacific president, Global CEO, COO and other world to discuss four management systems; and local Tactics Taobao has a faster and so is the response mechanism.

In fact, the inability to adapt has led to many multinational Internet companies in China, as a little. Far as AOL joint venture with Lenovo FM365, Yahoo China before the 3721 merger, such as the recent post-merger outstanding Amazon, and MSN China joint venture in the United States Blethyn. Despite the excellent start into the Amazon after the vintage and veteran representatives of major shareholders think Mercury has attachment Lin, eBay eBay founder Shao Yibo, Tan Haiyin, also out of line management, but more international companies are not far above Far throw off their homegrown rivals Dangdang and Taobao, but was repeatedly pressed on the latter had to make a fresh start, while the profit point in time and therefore more unpredictable.

Pay crux

The indications are that Whitman This time China is an important mission, is to pay for the long-awaited tool for PayPal landing in China carried out the government public relations. Sources close to eBay that eBay, PayPal plans to enter China has entered a substantive stage, but has yet to be CUP's approval.

CCID Consulting analyst Zhanglin Jiang told reporters, leading to delays in difficult PayPal settled in one of the reasons China is good to resolve the refund issue, when the Chinese buyers and sellers to reach overseas returned goods, capital agreements, how PayPal return of capital is still a problem. In addition, China is also worried about a number of unidentified high-level money may flow overseas through PayPal, or a large inflow of foreign domestic pressure on RMB appreciation.

But Zhang Linjiang that the communication with China Union Pay, eBay on PayPal to eBay might come face-lift to meet the needs of China's national conditions, but this way, PayPal already exists relative to domestic third-party payment advantage will be difficult to expression.

PayPal is facing greater barriers to electronic transactions from the Chinese government on security concerns. Existing domestic laws as PayPal are non-bank financial services or Internet service is difficult to define innovation, but as a third party payment platform, PayPal can act as banking functions, direct control of the transaction amount, it may appear from the CBRC's supervision is called ultra vires the risk of trading funds.

How tax is also a problem. Currently, no laws on domestic C2C transactions related to limit the tax issues. China's relevant laws and regulations of VAT, although that individuals sell their used junk duty free, but filled in the vast majority of eBay auction on eBay is not a second-hand, more business in his own name registration, disguised tax evasion. If, after PayPal settled the problem is still not properly solved, will likely lead to more trouble. Whitman himself so twice in one month visit to China, and this is not unrelated.

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Monday, July 5, 2010

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WorldCup DVD Editor is a powerful and easy-to-use DVD tool, which provides advanced storyboard and timeline editing. Hundreds of effects, including video and text overlay, and chromakey effect, lots of filters and transitions will allow you to create impressive videos, slide-shows and more. Make your home video and save it in format that you need. For your additional convenience we redesigned burning manager in the following way: now DVD, VCD/SVCD and MPEG4 formats are separated from each other to avoid confusion when selecting an appropriate format. Now you can select, adjust or just learn the aspect ratio of your video. The new version provides you with more flexibilty in controlling your video processing. Choose 16:9 (widescreen format) or 4:3 (fullscreen format) aspect ratio according to your liking.An included full-featured Audio Editor, will let you to alter, trim and mix audio tracks for your video project. Moreover you can select and edit necessary audio tracks in AVI and DVD files. Friendly and understandable interface allows you to perform all the operations quick and easily. AVS Video Editor presents a perfect combination of attractive price and high-quality performance.

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